Presentations and Events
“Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.”
First Time Presenting At MsCW
International Presenter
Judy Tallwing McCarthey, Jill Carter, and Mama Vi Johnson
Dinosaurs ‘R’ Us – A Triassic Leather Triad Conversation With Judy Tallwing McCarthey, Jill Carter, and Mama Vi Johnson!

Join us for a very special visit with three of the most iconic beloved Elders in Leather HerStory.
*Their title choice!
Hardy Haberman
Old Guard Protocols and Why You Don’t Need Them

Mister-Blue & Mrs. BlueFrost
The Journey to Mastery and Slavery
Mister-Blue & Mrs. BlueFrost
Raising Children in an M/s Household
Master Jim and slave marsha
Edgeliving: How Far Will We Go?
Master Jim and slave marsha
Tiny Service: When Size Doesn’t Matter
We believe service is an integral part of maintaining a M/s dynamic. But not all service tasks are “equal” in impact – service can be “big” but add little value to the overall relationship, or “small” in scope but huge in impact. As your lives become busier and the demands of the outside world increase, consider the concept of “tiny service” – how to find the little acts of service that make big differences. Join Master Jim and slave marsha as they share how and why the concept of “tiny service” became important to them, how to assess the impact of a task on your relationship, and some ideas for finding the “tiny service” that’s right for you.
Correction Is Welcome
Tomo & Levi
18 Years Later… Stories Along the Way
Artificial Intelligence, Real Service: A Discussion and Skillshare
As AI technologies evolve and become more accessible, even those of us who are tech-shy can enhance our service offerings—no coding required. Whether you’re aiming to boost your efficiency, spark your creativity, or amplify your impact, this lighthearted discussion will explore how emerging tech can elevate your service while enriching the invaluable “human touch” in your dynamic. Bring your practical tips, fresh ideas, burning questions, or great stories (both the successes and the spectacular flops!) about how digital technology can complement and enhance our service practices. This interactive discussion and skillshare is perfect for beginners and enthusiasts alike—come curious, and leave inspired!
Sir DaddyDaun & slavegirl j
…And the Gods Laughed
Sir DaddyDaun & slavegirl j
Here W/we Go Again, UGH!
Master Retro Bella & slave boydrake
Master/slave Dynamics 101: Building a Foundation
In this class, we’ll cover:
- The core principles that define M/s and how to adapt them to fit your unique relationship.
- The importance of negotiation, consent, and communication in establishing trust and clarity.
- How personal experiences, identity, and values shape the power exchange dynamic and influence leadership styles.
- Practical tools and strategies for setting clear expectations, boundaries, and goals that work for both the Master and the slave.
- Real-world challenges faced in M/s relationships and effective methods for overcoming them.
Master Retro Bella
The Art of Masking: Strategies for Authenticity in Public Spaces
Raven Kaldera and Joshua Tenpenny
The Yin-Yang and the Tree: Models of Spiritual M/s
Raven Kaldera and Joshua Tenpenny
Behavior Modification Intensive (2 time slots)
Masters want slaves to be the best slaves they can be, and slaves want that too … but how do we get from point A to point B? What are the best methods for changing behavior and attitude – not just facilitating obedience, but helping to achieve joy as well? In this intensive, we’ll talk about our best techniques for modifying a slave’s behavior in the most effective and fulfilling ways for each couple. We’ll talk about effective tools for masters, and help slaves get past their fears around being changed. We’ll also help troubleshoot past problems with obedience and attitude.
The Goddess Indigo, Slave Sill, and Baby Girl
The Imperfect slave: Elevating Your Dynamic Through Vulnerability

Becoming a fully-faceted self-actualized individual requires having integrity. Integrity is defined as “knowing and accepting one’s self.” To the extent we hide who we are, we cripple our own capacity to become wholly immersed in our dynamic. “Acceptance” is a two-way street. And, it begins by having the courage to be seen.
The Goddess Indigo & Slave Sill
SEDUCTION — The Art and Allure of Female Dominance (Open Attendance)

Master Neko and koneko
The Edge of Consent: Exploring Limits and Building Trust in M/s
Master Neko and koneko
Poly and Power: Balancing Polyamory in M/s Dynamics
MsDDom & CreamDream
Practical Protocols for Busy People!
Come share ideas and perspectives for busy people!
slave Caroline
Envy and Jealousy

Drawing on personal and professional experiences, slave Caroline offers some provocative thoughts on the beneficial function of envy and jealousy in our Master slave dynamics.
slave Caroline
“Therapy” vs “Therapeutic”

Increasingly more of us do so with an intuitive understanding that at times what we do is ‘therapeutic’. Some in our community further the belief of this therapeutic factor as a beneficial structure for Master slave dynamics. Is it? If so, when do we know when therapeutic is not therapy? Drawing from her personal and professional experiences, slave caroline seeks to examine the intrinsic value and danger of this “therapeutic” function in our Master slave relationships.
Master Wrathdaddy and Master Dante Amor
Naughty Bedtime Stories!
Master Wrathdaddy
Real Doms Don’t Cry: Toxic Masculinity In Kink
We will explore the ways toxic heteronormative gender norms have hurt our community and how to uncouple them from our kinky lives.
Domina Alluriah
Personal Autonomy and Advocacy in Power Exchange Dynamics
Cody Coyote
Leather Reverence

Cody Coyote
Power Literacies

Joy Perez
Alone In A Crowded Room

Joy Perez
Why Does A Brat…Brat?

Sir Guy
Personal Protection and Security as Service
Master Taíno
Kinky Tales: Telling Your Stories In A Book
Master Sir Tee & little kitsune
Consent Violations in a Power Exchange Dynamic

As a community we are familiar with consent violations in relation to BDSM play. But for those of us called to the dark edges of Master/slave or Consensual Non-Consent Dynamics (CNC) – given the potential risk and harm to our person(s), what and where are the boundaries of consent? What is a consent breach in a CNC Dynamic? And what are the risks for both sides of the slash?
Drawing on our 29 years, we will explore these questions and help you understand and recognize where your lines exist. We will review the misconceptions, share approaches to minimize the risks, help to understand how to recognize violations, and share practices that can help mitigate potential harm to the people involved and the Dynamic.
Master Sir Tee & little kitsune
Solstice of the Heart: Apologies, Forgiveness, and Self-Forgiveness in M/s Dynamics

Drawing on our 29+ years of living in a Dynamic, we will explore how apologies can take place in a Dynamic, the elements of an effective apology, strategies for creating effective communication protocols to support the giving and receiving of an apology, and the function and value of forgiveness, including self-forgiveness, in supporting the Dynamic.
Bratty “BossBaby” Azzassin
Do Nothing By Default
Master “Daddy” Zulu
Where Do We Go From Here: Creating Change and Progression in the Leather Community

Mama Vi Johnson
POC s-Type & slave Circle
A space for s-types and slaves of color to laugh, talk, and share together.
Mama Vi Johnson
Why I Am A Slave
Master Aaron
Jolted but not Broken

Many of us have been to classes concerning learning one’s triggers, communicating what is needed in relation to those triggers and of course how to avoid them. This class breaks that mold and teaches you ways to overcome those triggers, empower yourself and take back the needed control that may still be owned by a previous trauma. This class focuses both on the mental aspect of overcoming those triggers as well as utilizing what we do in Kink to help us overcome those triggers.
Master Aaron & slave jennie
Kinky Jeopardy!

Ivy Supreme & Ezulie Supreme
The Art of Tea Service: Nurturing Wellness Through Ritual

Onyx Pearls NY-NE Presents:
Living The Slash Poetry and Story Slam!

Power. Surrender. Transformation. Desire. Whether your story is about finding your authority, the moment surrender became freedom, a debauchery-filled scene that was an act of reclamation, or your journey in Leather, Living the Slash Poetry and Story Slam is a space exploring the complexities and depths of M/s and authority dynamics. Come ready to laugh, reminisce, and maybe even blush as we share stories from both sides of the slash that have shaped us. Each slam participant will have a 4-minute time limit, and the winner will receive a free registration to MsC Worldwide 2026 and have their piece published in a literary magazine!
Visit the contact us page at today, message the Education Liaison to let them know you want to join the slam, and the organizer will get back to you.
Douglas Thomas
Jungian Psychology and the M/s Dynamic

Slave Charlie Doll
How to be a Homemaker: Domestic Servitude 201

- Tips for superior service
- Habit forming and pattern creation
- Time and energy management
- Self sufficiency, Managing executive dysfunction
- Disability Domestic Service
- Personal care tips
- Etiquette and protocol options for continuous service
- Working towards a common goal
Service, whether to the community or within a dynamic, has been an integral part of the kink community for a very long time. Hopefully, you’ve all had the opportunity to attend at least a couple of classes on Service 101, where the focus is on the service being performed. In this class, we are going to focus on how to effectively develop as a servant (or help your servant to develop). Some of the topics we will touch on will include personal care, how to form healthy habits, effective time and energy management, and how to use etiquette and protocol in a dynamic involving continuous service. We will also talk about how to effectively work toward common goals within the context of a service dynamic.
Slave Charlie Doll
Sex Work in Relation to the Community

- Terminology
- Sex work and BDSM origins
- Sex workers’ contributions to our community
- Stigmatization
- How our practices affect sex workers
- What can we learn from sex workers
- Outreach and allyship
While many individuals seek to separate sex work and BDSM, the history of them are intimately entwined. Rather than allowing the parts of our history that some are uncomfortable with to be erased, we should strive to understand and appreciate how their shared histories have led to where we are today, and how the two are still entwined. How does sex work contribute to our community? How do the practices of our community impact sex work? Why are both stigmatized, and what can we do about that, both in terms of individual and community work? I look forward to sharing with you my thoughts and experiences on these topics, and hearing your ideas.
Mrs. Dee Supreme & Monique Buttafly
Bound by Understanding: Building Emotional and Mental Support in Long Distance Dynamics

Cinnfull Delight & Will Delight
Quiet Power, Bold Presence: Thriving in Contrasting M/s Dynamics

Master DK Leather & Master Alistair LeatherHiraeth
CNC, Humiliation and Shame

Master Bren & slave Sky
Building Trauma-Informed Power Exchange Dynamics

Master Penguin and slave ginna
When Your Kids Are Kinky Too
Nikki A. glaze
Mental Mastery: slayvhood as a Gateway to Spiritual Affirmation

Bastet Khepera & Naro Azotar
Demystify Cigar Service & Care (CSC)

Dive deep into the essentials of maintaining the integrity of beloved cigars with proper storage and humidity control, ensuring every smoke is as intended by the maker. Provide this service with pride and you will make it pleasing to the one you are serving.
Bastet Khepera & Naro Azotar
S-Connect: A POC Space For s-types To Connect

If you’re seeking guidance, new friends, or simply want to be part of a supportive community, join us! We’ll engage in a short circle led by Naro & Bastet… Se habla Español!
Identity, Sexual Assault, and the Questioning Slave (2-slot intensive)

Part 2: Have you ever noticed a slave/submissive that was once highly active in your local community suddenly vanished, only to find out later that they had experienced sexual assault or a severe consent violation? Why does this happen? The answer to that question is complex. So in part 2, we will begin to tackle this issue by looking at what is known about the link between sexual assault and identity disruption. You will learn to recognize signs that you or someone you love might be experiencing identity disruption and learn ways to reduce the changes of the disruption causing long term negative consequences. Finally, information on how to provide support will be offered for Owners of slaves who have experienced assault and survivors will be given a brief look at ways they can seek support in their healing journey
Show Some Respect

Do You Speak Switch?

We’ll dive into the psychology behind switching, the unique dynamics it creates in power exchange relationships, and how to communicate effectively with partners who embody both sides of the slash. From negotiating scenes to managing headspace shifts, this session will help you embrace and articulate your switch identity—or engage more meaningfully with the switches in your life.
Sir Prussian Fyre, Slave Lucky Fyre, and Beast
Saturday Night Cigar Social
Sir Prussian Fyre & Slave Lucky Fyre
The Mess In M/s

Power exchange relationships (especially total power exchange) aren’t all polished protocols and perfect scenes—they’re messy, raw, and deeply human. This class pulls back the curtain on Master/slave (and other relationships) dynamics to explore where fantasy juxtaposes the chaos of reality. From missteps in communication to navigating real life challenges, we’ll dive into the beauty and complexity of “the mess in M/s.” Come ready to explore, learn, and embrace the imperfections that make authority imbalanced relationships truly unique!
slave joy
Fostering Service Joy Discussion

Sir North & Akasha Eden
Neurodivergence and M/s

In this class, Sir North, who is diagnosed with ADHD, and slave Akasha, who is diagnosed with autism, will share their personal experiences and insights on navigating neurodiversity within a Master/slave dynamic and within the larger context of what it is that we do. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the intersection of autism and ADHD in the context of power exchange dynamics and relationships, common challenges faced by individuals with these conditions, how neurodiverse folx navigate social contracts inside and outside the community, as well as strategies for effective communication, structure, and support within power exchange relationships. This class aims to foster a greater understanding and acceptance of neurodiversity in the M/s and broader community and provide practical tools for creating more inclusive and supportive dynamics.
Sir North & Akasha Eden
Spiritual M/s: Exploring Sacred Power Dynamics

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving world, many individuals seek a deeper connection to the divine or a sense of spiritual fulfillment. This presentation aims to delve into the intersection of spirituality and power exchange relationships, specifically the Master/slave (M/s) dynamic, as a pathway for personal growth and spiritual exploration.
Master Leather Redux & raea
I’m Fine… But Really I’m Not — Let’s Get Radical About the Truth

Master T’Hayla
Pushing Through The Wall

What do we do when we hit a wall, a blockade or resistance? Owning the fact that blockades and resistance aren’t just submissive issues.
As a submissive who is trying really hard to surrender – and you have a moment or an event where you just don’t want to. How do you get through that wall – what strategies do you employ for yourself?
As a dominant person you are working with someone who has hit a wall and doesn’t want to obey/proceed in the manner you have asked them to. How do you move them through this block – balancing your respect for them, the need to proceed and your own emotional responses to their resistance (both good and bad responses). What strategies do you employ for yourself, for them and for both of you?
This is an open discussion that might be of interest to all people who strive towards successful authority-based relations.
Master T’Hayla
So, You Want to be a Master….?

In an open discussion let’s talk about how we assess whether this is your path. Let’s also touch on how we hone our skills and improve ourselves as Masters on that path to remain true to our goals and our partners.
I encourage those who choose to follow to attend as well. Your insights will be especially useful. Truly there is no keener reflection of whether something is working than the eyes of a slave who is trying to surrender their will to those who are striving to lead.
This is an open discussion that might be of interest to all people who strive towards successful authority-based relations.
Lady O & slave Charles
Coping with Unexpected Separation
Master Castle & Slave Chy
Owning A Little

Master Castle & Slave Chy
So You Think You Can Dine. High Protocol Dining

Leather and Power Exchange as Artistic Decision Making
Master Lola Smiles
Not All Dynamics are the Same – Asexual Dynamics
Jay Vampyre
From Fantasy to Reality: Merging Gor, Community, and Real-World TPE

Debs – The Kink Shrink
NRE, the Good the Bad and the Ugly: Some Science Around Love and Limerence

Debs – The Kink Shrink
Obedience: How to Create What You Want the Good Way, the Need for Praise, Consequence, and Clarity

Sir Edgar and slave raven poe
Writing an Owner’s Manual on Either Side of The Slash
Master James and miss wendy
Presenters Shark Tank (2 part intensive)
Part 1: Shark Tank how-to workshop
Participants will learn traits and characteristics of successful presenters. They will also explore what elements are included in a dynamic and successful workshop or class. Tips on public presentation and speaking are included. Lastly, participants will be encouraged to create and present a 10-minute overview of their workshop concept at the Shark Tank Mock Panel.
Part 2: Shark tank mock panel
Those who participated in part one will be invited to present their 10-minute overview in front of an audience and a panel of judges. They will receive positive feedback immediately verbally from the judges and written critiques at the end of the workshop. A winner will be chosen from the participants, announced, and offered an opportunity to present at the following year’s conference.